Late night manifesto for
OK so a few ideas are coming together and it’s starting to take a shape. The form it’s taking is as a tiny, experimental design studio which I’ve called ‘’ (named after a publication I designed a year ago). How I’m going to draw a frame around this form is through a brief manifesto that I wrote late at night quickly and without overthinking it. Here it goes -
1 - build components not complete designs
2 - video games are true art and should be integrated as much as possible into visual design
3 - dispersion, liminal and conversion are equal parts of the process
4 - if it begins, it should end, nothing should be an infinite scroll except God’s grace
5 - websites should have effects, haptics, motion and ambient sound where possible
6 - the past it to be explored and built upon without any sense of nostalgia
7 - higher dimensionality is good
8 - design by writing, write to design - narrative is a tool
9 - you are not separate from the world, speak from where you are