Update 06 '24

It’s now six months into the year so I thought I’d write a post about where I’m at, what I’ve been doing. My girlfriend and I went travelling to Korea and Japan, starting off from Seoul -> Jeju -> Busan -> Kyoto -> Tokyo. It was a trip I had been planning for a while, we both had quit our jobs and with some money saved it was a good time to do it. While I was on Jeju island I had an interview for a job I really wanted, I found out I got it while in Kyoto so we went out to celebrate, one of the highlights of my life.


Once I returned I started the job at The Economist as a interactive visual journalist. So far I’ve worked on investigative reporting about the MH17 disaster, mapping projects such as tracking building damage in Gaza, culture pieces, UK and US election forecasts. My code and design skills have improved massively since starting just by locking in and working on project after project. Next month I’m going to the Center for Investigative Journalism conference, I’m talking to journalists in my team - I’m really starting to find my people and work on projects I want to work on.

Other things

I’ve been learning origami. I can now make a bird off by heart.


Currently I’m working on a short film with a friend about undersea internet cables. We’re communicating on discord but we both have full time jobs so it’s difficult. Also thinking about curating a digital archive specifically on this topic.

I’m learning more about investing. Already I have some assets in index and bond funds but currently I’m looking into robotics companies to invest in. I have a couple ideas around what the future of robotics may look like and what the progress made in ML and LLMs may mean for the industry. Might make a post about that soon.

What I want to be improve upon for the rest of the year: